Positively Complex

Monday, December 26, 2005

How to Save the World

Dave Pollard recently wrote this post that mentions Cooperrider, AI, and Dilbert all in the same breath!

Close Your Eyes and Imagine

I think he has a shallow reading of AI, because he later restates some of the principles of AI in his own words.

AI is not "the power of positive thinking." It is E=mc squared. It is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. It is magical realism. It is social constructivism come to life.

(Okay, I'm deliberately going over the top to provoke response.)

I invite your comments.



  • I agree with you, Joe. Part of what makes AI so powerful is that it is context-based. The dream, design, and destiny emerge from the shared reality (discovery) of the people engaged in the process.

    Pollard is interested in "saving the world," so an interesting question as it applies to his needs might be: Where are the leverage points for changing the world today? What entities (governments, companies, NGOs, communities, etc.) are (best) positioned right now to help create what Malcolm Gladwell might call a 'tipping point?' What if we identified those and began a deliberate effort as AI practitioners to work with those entities to envision and create a brighter future?

    By Blogger tinotchka, at 12:38 PM  

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