Jarring Open the Johari Window
To begin, perhaps we could start with (re)introductions? I am Tina. That's me wearing a silly hat. During our study tour in Leuven, I participated in an Open Space dialog around the role of humor in organizations that was memorable and thought-provoking. So why not start the introductions with a sight gag?
Welcome, Beth! Thanks for joining!
By tinotchka, at 5:21 PM
Hi Guys,
Just got the invite to join in! So here I am. I'm currently having a low-tech Christmas in Wales and not feeling at all complex - but very positive.
Great thing to start Tina - let's see where it leads us!
Happy Christmas
By Mark the Harp, at 9:21 PM
Welcome, Mark!
A low-tech Christmas sounds wonderful. We're having a high-tech Christmas at our house - but it's still a secret - don't tell the kids!
I'm not sure where this will lead us, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
By tinotchka, at 11:28 PM
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