Positively Complex

Monday, December 25, 2006

Blogger Administrivia

I've updated this blog from the "old" Blogger platform to the "new" platform.

If you attempt to post to Positively Complex, you may be asked to upgrade your profile so that you can use the new Blogger platform.

I hope this won't pose any problems. However, if it does, don't hesitate to contact me at tkreminski [at] gmail [dot] com. I'll do my best to assist you in the transition.

(Note that the previous email address has been disguised in the probably vain hope that automated spam bots won't pick up my email address and send me a gazillion more spam messages than I already receive daily. You know what a legitemate email address looks like - please decipher the text above to create a correct and fully-formed email address if you need to contact me. Thanks!)

- Tina Kreminski



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